News for Jay Jessup & Maggie Jessup

New Attorneys: Tips for a High Trajectory Career

- Los Angeles Daily Journal
New attorneys are very conscious of how others are doing in the profession. They watch those few classmates who glide into great jobs with the coolest firms, the small percentage of associates who seemingly effortlessly leapfrog their contemporaries in the race towards partnership, and the very few partners who stand out as the recognized best among alleged equals.
Whether you’re toiling on a delay-tactic discovery motion in a windowless room behind a faux marble facade at a mega...

Law Firms: How to Not Become a Commodity

- Los Angeles Daily Journal
Top tier California law firms are facing the biggest financial challenge in their history: commoditization of high-end legal services and the plummeting fees that could surely follow. Some are in denial while others are working to differentiate with niche practices - but a few select firms will find high-trajectory growth in this new environment by going a step further. Their strategy? Power branding specialty practices while also publicizing the personal brands of practice ...

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