Book Launch Party for Jimmy Vallee, Giant Shifts
Houston, Texas, May 2017
Jimmy Vallee with Chad Castille at the launch of Jimmy's Giant Shifts book tour in Houston, TX, May 2017.
Jimmy Vallee with Liz Arend, Chad Castille, partner at Deans & Lynons and Lew Arend, McKinley Arend International May 2017.
Jimmy Vallee, Kris Vallee, Rebekah Parker and Reagan Vallee proudly showing off Jimmy's new book, Giant Shifts at the book tour launch party in Houston. May 2017.
Joel Moore, Managing Director at Frostwood Capital and Herb Chambers, CEO EVX Midstream help Jimmy Vallee celebrate the kickoff to his Giant Shifts book tour. May 2017.
Kris Vallee, Art Travis and Jimmy Vallee celebrate the kick of to Jimmy's Giant Shifts book tour May 2017.
Larry Busceme, Lissa Tyndall, Kris Vallee, Rebekah Parker and Reagan Vallee showing their pride at the launch of Jimmy Vallee's new book, Giant Shifts. Houston, TX, May 2017.
Lindsay Sparks, Jimmy Vallee and Chad Sparks celebrating the Giant Shifts Book Tour Launch hin Houston May 2017.
Photography Credit: Bruce Bennett