Attorney: Billing records prove Jennifer Dulos could still be alive

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Attorney: Billing records prove Jennifer Dulos could still be alive

Attorney Norm Pattis claims he has proof that Jennifer Dulos may still be alive, according to a new motion filed Friday.

The so-called smoking gun is a billing record sent to Fotis Dulos that shows his estranged wife received “reproductive” services at a New York medical facility on July 7 — more than a month after she disappeared.

“If Ms. Dulos did, as the bill suggests, receive medical services on July 7, 2019, she is obviously alive, if not necessarily well,” Pattis wrote in a motion filed Friday at Stamford Superior Court.

Based on the new information, which could be a mistake on the billing summary, Pattis filed a new motion to obtain Jennifer Dulos’ medical records, which he claims could help exonerate his client.

“Among the hypotheses the defendant is evaluating in his defense is that Ms. Dulos and/or her family have orchestrated an apparent disappearance to resolve a contentious divorce and custody proceeding that was not breaking Ms. Dulos’ way,” Pattis wrote.

New Canaan Police Lt. Jason Ferraro, a spokesman for the department, declined to comment Friday whether investigators are looking into if Jennifer Dulos went to the doctor on July 7. Ferraro has said he can no longer comment about the investigation due to a judge’s gag order that was issued last month.

State’s Attorney Richard Colangelo also declined to comment about Pattis’ filing. Pattis, citing the gag order, also declined to comment when asked about the medical bill.

“We are obliged to obey the order until it is vacated,” Pattis wrote in a brief statement. “Therefore, we will not comment on the pleading filed in Stamford this morning and we will not distribute copies. We stand by the content of the pleadings.”

In August, Stamford Superior Court Judge John Blawie denied Pattis’ first attempt to obtain Jennifer Dulos’ medical records, but said he could revisit the issue if he discovered more evidence to support his request.

Pattis claims his client received billing records reflecting “a series of tests, blood work, diagnostic treatment and ‘lab reproductive’ coding” for treatment Jennifer Dulos received in the months leading up to her May 24 disappearance. Pattis said the tests totaled $14,000.

A second nearly identical motion filed in September is still pending.

On Friday, Pattis made a third attempt to obtain the medical records, saying his client recently received a statement from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield reflecting a balance due to the insurer.

Pattis said the medical provider sent the bill to Anthem on Aug. 16 for Jennifer Dulos’ medical visit on July 7.

In the motion, Pattis revisited claims that Jennifer Dulos and her family “orchestrated” her disappearance to frame his client.

“The family has the means and apparent motive to keep Ms. Dulos out of public view,” Pattis wrote.

Pattis first floated the theory in June that Jennifer Dulos may have faked her own disappearance, a la the novel “Gone Girl.” He later even suggested she might have perpetrated a “revenge suicide” plot.

The theories drew sharp rebukes from Jennifer Dulos’ family and friends and “Gone Girl” author Gillian Flynn.

Pattis’ theories, along with other statements made to the media, spurred Colangelo to request a gag order preventing attorneys involved from disseminating information that could prejudice the case.

Blawie granted the gag order, but the state Supreme Court has agreed to hear Pattis’ appeal.

Fotis Dulos, 52, and his girlfriend Michelle Troconis, 44, have each pleaded not guilty to two counts of tampering with evidence and hindering prosecution charges in connection with the disappearance.

Police said surveillance videos show Fotis Dulos and Troconis making a series of stops in a 4-mile stretch of Hartford’s Albany Avenue the night of the disappearance. According to arrest warrants, the videos also show Fotis Dulos dumping trash bags, which were later found to contain his estranged wife’s blood.

Fotis Dulos and Troconis are also accused of cleaning up a 2001 red Toyota Tacoma police believe was used in Jennifer Dulos’ disappearance, according to arrest warrants.

Police say Fotis Dulos was driving the pickup, which was owned by one of his employees, the day his wife went missing.

Jennifer Dulos was last seen around 8 a.m. May 24 after dropping off her five children at New Canaan Country School. After missing several doctors appointments in New York, she was reported missing around 7 p.m. that night. Police said they found blood spatter and signs that Jennifer Dulos was the victim of a “serious physical assault” in the garage of her Welles Lane home.

Troconis is next due in court on Oct. 25, while Fotis Dulos will be back in court on Nov. 6.

Related topics: Fotis Dulos

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