Fotis Dulos Pleads Not Guilty, Freed on Bond In Case of Missing Connecticut Mother of 5

Estranged Husband Of Jennifer Dulos Out On Bond, Wearing GPS-Tracking Ankle Monitor

CBS New York - Local News
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The husband of missing mother Jennifer Dulos pleaded not guilty Tuesday and asked for an immediate trial.

After eight nights in custody, Fotis Dulos walked free Tuesday afternoon after posting $500,000 bond, wearing a GPS tracking device on his ankle.

The judge has also ordered him to surrender his passport and not travel outside the state.

His attorney Norm Pattis, who has handled numerous high-profile cases, including the so-called “Manhattan Madam” Anna Gristina in 2012, said he’s so confident his client is not guilty of any crime, he’ll be ready for trial next month.

“I would ask everyone to put aside the easy narrative here, that an angry ex-spouse took matters into his own hands to resolve a custody dispute. That didn’t happen. Having said that, I don’t know what happened,” Pattis said.

Meanwhile, the prosecutor disclosed important new evidence, CBS2’s Tony Aiello reported.

“My client is entitled to the presumption of innocence and we want to cash that commitment that our republic affords people in today,” Pattis said. “And we want him with us to prepare a defense.”

Pattis wasted no time in mounting a vigorous defense of his client, claiming the estranged husband of the missing mother of five has an alibi for almost the entire day she disappeared. Pattis blasted the press and the prosecution for “convicting” Fotis Dulos of homicide, when he has only been charged with disposing of evidence.

“Mr. Dulos has been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion for a crime he has not yet been charged with and, candidly, I have doubts can be brought and can withstand the probable cause inquiry,” Pattis said.

However, prosecutor Richard Colangelo fired right back, disclosing new evidence. He said investigators found Fotis Dulos’ DNA in a mix of Jennifer’s blood in her New Canaan home.

“The lab was able to confirm that the defendant’s DNA was found in a mixture on the faucet inside of Jennifer’s kitchen in the house where she went missing,” Colangelo said.

In the end, the judge refused to raise or lower the bond, keeping it at $500,000.

The five Dulos children, ages 8 to 13, are staying with their maternal grandmother, Gloria Farber. The children were the subject of Fotis Dulos’ second court appearance of the day.

Fotis Dulos took the fifth amendment and refused to testify in family court, where a judge is deciding whether to grant permanent custody of the children to Farber.

The judge was told the children are safe and getting counseling as they deal with a missing mother and a father facing charges.

Earlier, Michelle Troconis, Fotis Dulos’ girlfriend, also pleaded not guilty to tampering with evidence. The two are accused of dumping items stained with the blood of his estranged wife Jennifer, who disappeared 18 days ago. Troconis is already out on bond.

Troconis is cooperating with prosecutors. Aiello has learned she told them she has no idea where the missing mother could be.

New Canaan police have created a website, asking the public for tips.

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