News for Norm Pattis

The Scramble: What's Wrong with Connecticut Besides John Rowland

The Scramble: What's Wrong with Connecticut Besides John Rowland

Attorney Norm Pattis will preview the federal trial of former governor, John Rowland, which kicks off tomorrow in New Haven after a pre-trial conference today. Rowland is back in court trying to prove that he provided a payable service to the nursing home owned by Brian Foley and not just a sham to cover his efforts to influence the election of Foley's wife, former congressional candidate, Lisa Wilson-Foley. Also, will Rowland be allowed to use email communications between Foley and his lawyer...

Colin McEnroe Show: The Power of a Flag

Colin McEnroe Show: The Power of a Flag

Flags are meant to be a uniting symbol, but in many cases they cause stark divisions.

Guests: Norm Pattis, Mike Lawlor, Tom Scott, David Blight
It's hard to quantify but I think it's fair to say that people who come to the United States from other countries often think we're a little bit weird about our flag.
It seems to them we display it more and argue about it more. It would make more sense if -- as was the case with Northern Ireland -- there were multiple flags competing for legitimacy.
These days, maybe there are. Connecticut just went through a fight over the...

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