News for Robert W. Kelley

Kelley Wins Major Verdicts When Fighting 'The Good Fight'

- Daily Business Review
Bob Kelley got his guiding principle from his dad: A person's best comes in helping others and serving a greater good.
That's what made him want to be a lawyer. That's how he wound up taking on corporate giants on behalf of the people they wronged, with victories including the largest jury award for an individual in a tobacco case up to that time and the biggest wrongful death and personal injury judgment in General Motors history in the horrific burning death of a 13-year-old...

Fort Lauderdale Lawyer Helps Nurse Expose Ebola Deficiencies

- Daily Business Review
An emergency room nurse who treated a fellow nurse who contracted the Ebola virus in Dallas is taking time off and retained a noted Fort Lauderdale plaintiffs firm rather than return to work.
Briana Aguirre, 30, contacted Robert W. Kelley of the Kelley/Uustal firm after concluding Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital was not adequately protecting staff from the lethal virus, Kelley said.
With Kelley by her side, Aguirre was interviewed Thursday by Matt Lauer of NBC's “Today...

North Broward Hospital District Settles Wrongful Death Lawsuit

- Daily Business Review
The North Broward Hospital District settled a medical malpractice lawsuit after losing its defenses due to discovery violations about the death of a Fort Lauderdale attorney’s father.
The decision eliminated the hospital’s defense and forced the suit to be settled for an undisclosed amount.
“It’s unfortunate that the taxpayers’ money was wasted for five years in a case that should have been resolved long ago,” said Robert W. Kelley of Fort...

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